Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Rent Car

There is a picture of me at my kindergarten graduation. I am wearing a pastel, plaid jacket. A little pink, a dash of baby blue, all in all it was pure man.

Looking at this picture the other day, I asked my mom why in the world she let me wear that jacket. To which she replied, "It was just you."

Well, I think that I started to really understand this last Thursday when I paid for my first rent car.

Stephanie and I went to Washington DC this past weekend to check out schools and look for apartments. Because we had to get around the metro area, it was time for me to get my first rent car. After paying entirely too much, I made my way to the parking deck in a hurry to get to the hotel.

Then, I saw it. The moment I laid eyes on it; I knew this was my car for the weekend - a neon yellow Chevy Cobalt....

For those of you who are regular readers, you will remember that yellow happens to be the color of the sun as well as my Jeep "Neil Diamond."

So, there I stood at midnight in the parking garage of Reagan National Airport. Just me, my wife, and a yellow fireball I would be driving.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I told Stephanie: "It is almost like they knew..."

In the back of my head, I heard my mom saying, "It is just you"

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