Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Travels of Neil Diamond

Captain's Log:
25 May 2009
12:58 AM

A wise man once said the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Or how about 850 miles.

For those of you who don't know, I saddled up Neil Diamond today and struck out for adventure and whatever comes my way during my internship this summer in DC, well Lansdowne, VA.

Sidenote: So far, it is unconfirmed that Virginia is for lovers. We will revisit this later.

So, my brother, dad and I set out on the adventure of a life time.

We learned a few things such as:
1. Tennessee is infinitely long. It has no eastern or western border they go on for eternity.
2. Virginia is as long as Tenn when you drive diagonally across.
3. Don't ever, ever, ever tell your dad to be quiet aka shut up
4. Jeep Cherokees are the single worst possible vehicle for road trips.
5. Never lose faith in Neil Diamond.

So 850 miles down. many more to go.
To boldly go where no Cosborne has gone before.

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